Monthly members are our foundation. Monthly donors allow us to plan our giving and ensure we are able to support the most impactful projects. Members receive monthly reports to see exactly who and how their dollars are impacting.
Join our movement as a one-time donor. Your donation has a direct and significant impact on the lives of children special needs in Africa.
$10 - $50*: Provides a month of medication or nutritional support for a child
$50 - $200*: Supports education, life-skills training, behavioral support and arts development that help a child find their voice and achieve their potential
$200 - $500*: One year of support for a health and rehabilitation worker to provide services to 10-20 children in deep, rural areas , where there is otherwise no access to services
Over $500*: Enable a full community event to spread awareness and foster inclusion, an event that is essential to creating a culture of acceptance at the homes fo children with disabilities
We believe your donations have the greatest impact when they go directly to Africa to support organizations providing services to children with disabilities. That's why we limit overhead and work directly with local organizations. By building the capacity of local organizations we are sure the interventions are culturally appropriate and provided to children who need support most when it is needed most.
* These are examples of what donations may support and not reservations of donations. Donations are sent to organizations in Africa based on a granting processs with vigorous selection criteria and oversight. This enables us to provide support where it is needed most and will have the greatest chance for long-term success

By donating to Embrace Kulture you are joining the movement to change the culture of exclusion and create a world where all children are embraced and accepted.
Our grantmaking process involves rigorous examination of grantees and we work hand in hand to develop projects over several years. Our annual drive and monthly supporters provide a solid financial position so we can plan for the greatest impact.
Thanks to the generous support of our volunteers and Board we are able to cover all operating costs. This means 98% of your donation goes directly to support the projects in Africa.